Automotive Supplier

Facility: Tier 1 Automotive Supplier in PA
Affected Operations: Drilling of forged steel parts, generating heavy chip loads.
Equipment Used: Drilling equipment
Historical Problems:

Requirements dictated that a reliable low maintenance system designed to yield a nominal 10-micron clarity coolant, less than 100 ppm, without the use of consumable media. Target Points to be met by new filtration included:


Corrective Action:

Flow Pro designed a Magnetic Filtration System to eliminate the need for consumable media.  The coolant is filtered through the tight matrix of chips  held in place by the strong uninterrupted magnetic field.  While filter performance is within the acceptable range outlined by Machine Tool supplier, an automatically back-flushing screen filter was employed down stream of the magnetic filter as a precautionary measure to assure that the specified performance is met at all times.

The absence of consumable media was accomplished by allowing the small particulate, captured by the automatic screen, to be removed by the spent section of the matrix on the magnetic filter.

The process has been commissioned for approximately a year and has met and exceeded all Target Points as outlined.